Icebergia Triptych - Abstract Realism

  I have many paintings of icebergs . I just love painting them! Icebergs are very often seen in the bays around here in the spring and s...


I have many paintings of icebergs. I just love painting them!

Icebergs are very often seen in the bays around here in the spring and summer months. Last summer they were particularly plentiful, since a huge chunk of glacier from the arctic broke off.


This broke into thousands of smaller (but still very big!) chunks as it headed southerly toward Newfoundland. Some of the bays and harbors were literally filled with icebergs. This made for great photographs of course, especially for the tourists.

The main aspect of icebergs that I like is the various shapes and forms. They never look the same! Some are flat... and helicopters can even land on them. Others have beautiful flowing curvy forms. 

One time a saw an iceberg in La Scie harbor with a huge gaping hole that was carved out by the ocean.  As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, it shone through the whole, making for a beautiful scene. I included this memory in my painting “Reflections of the Past”.

Icebergia I – Abstract Realism Triptych


Iceberg Painting

Oil on Canvas
18” by 24”
Visual Artist Graham Matthews

Icebergs certainly make for good themes for my art. I often begin with a realistic under-painting. I then abstract the forms, contrasting the light areas from the dark, creating a dramatic effect. For these I used a palette of green, blue, yellow, white, and black.

Icebergia II  - Middle Painting


Iceberg Painting

Realism Abstract
18” by 24”
Fine Artist Graham Matthews

These images are are actually three oil paintings of the same iceberg, from different angles. The under-painting was based on photographs I snapped while on a boat-trip. I took quite a few photos, and narrowed down to three for this triptych artwork.


Icebergia III – The End


Iceberg Painting

Absract Realism – Surreal
18” by 24”
Visual Artist Graham Matthews

These three abstract realism artworks were sitting in my studio for quite a while, since I did not consider them “finished”. I recently returned to the paintings, and worked on them some more.

I will be posting those images here soon.

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Graham Matthews: Icebergia Triptych - Abstract Realism
Icebergia Triptych - Abstract Realism
Graham Matthews
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