Unsettled–Pencil Drawing on Paper

The graphite drawing below is based on feelings that I have been having many times in the past. I used to hate where I was in life, I was n...

The graphite drawing below is based on feelings that I have been having many times in the past. I used to hate where I was in life, I was not successful and happy - it seemed like time was passing me by.



I struggled with these feelings for a long time, and expressed them outwardly through my artwork.

Of course today I am quite content with where I am, and very happy. But, I am glad I recorded this in this artwork. It shows me where I was, and what I have become. It is a very real representation of my mind at that moment. This is what, I think, true art is all about, delving into the deepest ridges of the human psyche.


Pencil Drawing on Bristol Paper

9” by 12”
Psychological Art
By Graham Matthews

In this original pencil drawing, the lines and forms are in a very chaotic pattern. They are going in all directions, with seemingly no place to “rest”. Some parts look like they are trying to get organized and connected, especially the forms partly swirling in the top part of the composition. The shapes at the very bottom appear to be just coming “on the scene” in a type of rescue attempt to bring order to chaos

The drawing captures an instant, a moment in time, almost like a photograph would. You can imagine, by looking at it, that the shapes would be in a completely different pattern if that “snapshot” had been taken even minutes later.

The question is, would it be more orderly… or chaotic?


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Graham Matthews: Unsettled–Pencil Drawing on Paper
Unsettled–Pencil Drawing on Paper
Graham Matthews
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