The Purpose of my Art-Blog and Art Promotion

My Art-Blog Statement of Purpose The purpose of this artblog is to display some of my artworks and to give a brief explanation of them f...

My Art-Blog Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this artblog is to display some of my artworks and to give a brief explanation of them for my readers. I am trying to give insights into my methods of producing artworks as well as my thought process.

Promoting Art Online

I have decided to branch out a little and give my humble readers tips on promoting art online. This is something I have been doing a long time and have learned much on the subject. I will be discussing subjects such as setting up an art-blog, places online to promote your artworks, and setting up artist fan-pages on Google+ and Facebook. These are big topics and I may do a series of articles on each one.

Don't worry, I will be still posting some of my drawings and paintings here. That is after all primarily what this blog is about.

Tidal Mosaic Drawing

Tidal Mosaic
Pen and Ink on Paper
8" by 10"

Art Feedback and Artist Contributions

Thank-you to all my readers for subscribing. If you have any thoughts you would like to share please place them below in the comments form. I love feedback about my work, whether positive or negative.

If you would like to help me in my endeavors by contributing an original article on a subject related to this site, please let me know.... my email is gmatthews9 (without the space). Artists can even submit me their artworks along with a short bio, and I will write a review on it. I will include links to wherever you display your art online in all cases.

Famous Art-Blogs

There are many popular artblogs in the blogosphere.
You may want to check out these famous ones:

Making a Mark
Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog
Art Fag City

Have a great week!




abstract acrylic painting art competitions art diary art prints art promotion articles boats drawing fishery icebergs inspiration newfoundland news oil painting paintings pet painting photography portraits progress rock painting seascape surreal tutorials update wildlife art
Graham Matthews: The Purpose of my Art-Blog and Art Promotion
The Purpose of my Art-Blog and Art Promotion
Graham Matthews
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