REFLECTIONS OF THE PAST - Surreal/Psychedelic Painting Artwork by Graham Matthews

This original oil painting (below) entitled "Reflections of the Past" features several instances of the artist's past growing...

This original oil painting (below) entitled "Reflections of the Past" features several instances of the artist's past growing up in outport Newfoundland. A surreal looking sunset on the top right is disturbed by colorful psychedelic looking trees blowing in the wind. 

The bottom left corner features an iceberg (with the setting sun peering through a crevice), one which was actually seen by the artist in LaScie harbor a few years ago. The waves surrounding the iceberg are linear and organic (flowing) looking. 

A diagonal rope-fish bone-whale carcass combo image cuts across and separates the composition. The "reflection" of a living codfish appears in the upper left corner.

Reflections of the Past
Original Oil Painting on Canvas
3' by 4'
Graham Matthews ART

All of these elements are being twisted and swept  into a pseudo-vortex, in the upper left of the composition. The meaning here is the PAST is being swept away by the present, and future.

Life here in Newfoundland hasn't been easy for many families in recent years. Because of the collapse of the cod fishery and subsequent moratorium, and tough economic conditions, many families have had to pack up and leave for "greener pastures" on the mainland, mainly Alberta. Many elements from our past have been swept away.... or has changed.  There also have been other factors contributing to this... such as technology.

There is also a deeper personal side to this painting... reflections of the artist's which I will explore in the next post..

Find more of my artworks, drawings, and paintings at  Newfoundland Artist

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Graham Matthews: REFLECTIONS OF THE PAST - Surreal/Psychedelic Painting Artwork by Graham Matthews
REFLECTIONS OF THE PAST - Surreal/Psychedelic Painting Artwork by Graham Matthews
Graham Matthews
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