Triumph – Abstract Drawing and Painting

  Triumph is an abstract oil painting that began with a pencil drawing a few years ago. Both the graphite pencil drawing and oil painting...

 Triumph is an abstract oil painting that began with a pencil drawing a few years ago. Both the graphite pencil drawing and oil painting are shown below.

This drawing initially began with an idea, that of triumph, which is rejoicing over a success or victory. The images supporting this theme in the abstract artwork are ones that I often use for my art.



Triumph Drawing
Graphite Drawing on Bristol
9” by 12”
Abstract Art by Graham Matthews


  • The raging ocean waves

    The waves are simplified, and twisting and spiralling in an organic fashion. One larger wave wraps around the rainbow, and holds on to it. Another smaller wave swirls around the larger one.

    I used aquamarine blue, veridian green, lemon yellow, and titanium white for the colors. These cool colors contrast with the bright colors of the rainbow.
  • A rainbow

    The rainbow is an image I have used often for my artworks. A rainbow symbolizes hope, and a calm after a storm.

    The oil painting depicts the rainbow in full color, although it does not appear as a “normal” rainbow with distinct colors of the spectrum.
  • The rough and rugged Newfoundland coastline

    The cliff side in the graphite drawing appears rougher than in the oil painting. I felt the need to change the appearance to help the composition, and to make the rocks look like they are participating in the event. The cliff in the drawing almost appears that it do not belong there.
  • A storm

    The background in the drawing is drawn in extreme detail and is very dark. There is much going on there, but is not readily noticible until close study of the pencil drawing. I simplified this, and used reds in the background of the abstract painting to make the storm even more menacing.


Oil Painting on Canvas
Abstract Art by Graham Matthews



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Graham Matthews: Triumph – Abstract Drawing and Painting
Triumph – Abstract Drawing and Painting
Graham Matthews
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